Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Late sunday/money update #5

This week I bring you...
(This is a first phase idea set, it's ugly I know, it's kinda obvious that it is)

This is an EARLY build of what I'm going to implement and that is PLAYER MODS, they for the time being work as follows:
  1. Say you want to modify your JUMP.
  2. Click the edit button.
  3. Then attach a MOD to it, different mods will do different things, such as, if you attach a fire mod to your jump, your mech will create a fire based explosion upon landing.
  4. Attach a fire + Ice + Fire mod? You create hot steam when you blast off!
  5. The possibilities are endless, not only that, this is a way to have DIFFERENT MECHS, say you put all your points into def.
  6. You now unlock the ability to slam on the ground because you're a heavy tank.

Literally 1000's of combinations as you can see, how fun will it be to, oh I don't know add FIRE TO WHEN YOU WALK AND LEAVE A FIRE TRAIL?

Once again I know how UGLY this looks, I've by no means polished this.

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