Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2 Weeks....

Sorry to those that read this, I got 'stuck' on the generator, so I'm reverting to it doing a whole 2d side view instead of generating from a planet, I'll worry about a proper planet generation later.

-Dirt has Life
-Plants grow over time
-Wet Dirt

This next update should be big.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New update!

**Generates caves
**Takes ages to load
**Took out the water physics for now
*Press 'R' to generate Grassland
*Press 'T' to generate Snowland

Snow tips will be on some of the Grass 'hills'
Water will be on some of the Snow 'hills'

Going to work on optimization now!

Click here to get it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New characters!

Spike (Textureless)

Telsa Dude

Some character designs i'm working on I want to remove this original robot so I don't have copyright infringement.

I'll finish up spike later and animate him, same with the rest.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Test planet generation

For those of you that are interested you can grab the test version of my generator, same game but it generates that planet, it's buggy but works, needs massive optimization. Thought I might share this to show i'm working very hard on it, I have over 100 pages of documentation on all of this, so far so good.

Grab v0.0.0.22_Test Here

*Added a SNOW tin/gold/diamond
*Hitting 'T' will generate a SNOW level
*Hitting 'R' will generate a LAND level

-If you have never installed this before you will need the framework, download an older version to have it download and setup.

--If you have been following this, you just unzip and you're ready to go.

The download is an installer version.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Just how good is the new tile engine i'm building?

It's pretty good, surprisingly nice, it doesn't load from file now, I found the overhead on the streamline doesn't like 100*50000 tiles.

Without it, it doesn't crash, even with 50*1,000,000

Yes, 1 million tiles down, and 60 FPS.

Things are looking very bright!

50 tiles across, and 1 000 000 tiles down, uses 829 meg of memory, now to improve on this!

Loading is about 5 seconds too!

Monday, November 1, 2010

New month new updates!

I have a ton of pages filled on my generators, redesigned how the water generator will work so it scan the whole level, and the map generator will build from the core outwards, building hard surface, then dirt/minerals then grass/hills, and it should look awesome.

I haven't forsaken this project just, now I have a prototype that works, I can plan stuff out on paper, keep checking back, but it'll take weeks of planning because I want it to be impressive!