(Current Dev Mode)
Now a little bit about Dev mode.
Q: What's dev mode?
A: Develement mode is there to help game creators test features, 'What ifs' (Like what if that water was draw on the frontal layer instead of the back one, it's hand crafted and looks great), performance issues, anything really.
In my case i'm using it to test tiles, backdrops, how efficient everything is, how stuff looks, performance!, lighting, particles that generate, player interaction, baddies AI interaction with surrounding objects, sound FX and music too!
Q: That's nice but, how does this help me? MAKE IT NOW!
A: Well I need to make sure all the bugs are out, game modes are working, projectiles blow up the ground (Maybe see if it's a ground break mechanic).
Q: Well what can I do?
A: Post in the comments, ideas you want to see, game modes, anything! even on Twitter!. Just to help us make this game brilliant.
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