Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday 07/03/2011

Dirt Planet
Snow Planet

(Upcomming v1.1.25.2)

Had no net for a bit but continued work.

-Sun is glorious and sets in the background up and down
-Snow works again
-Terrain generates accordingly to the backgrounds
-Lighting fixes
-Mouse has some type of building structure to it, 1~4 keys now select the ore you want to place down, this is in place to get the building objects ready
-Fixed numerous amounts of code
-Terrain HP
-Caves generate much nicer!
-Fall physics! (Not done it'll be done after all of below)

We split the tile sheet to objects/terrain so I have to add both sprite sheets in. Grass leans over the tip of the ground and what not.

I'll add baddies in that you right click to make and there AI adapts to the surrounding area, basic AI but atleast something's in place, much like the mouse interface.

Grouped the Menu better.

I need to add a save/load feature so you can send your friends maps, and a map editor!

So close too all of this!

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