Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Updates to come!

I'll put a + with what has been done and is still broken and a minus what needs to be done/bugs, * will indicate what I will add in.

Red is done.

+ Mechs have individual:
++ HP is your own character and armor on mechs are seperate
++ New UI for mechs
++ Jump will use fuel
++ Moving will use fuel
++ Flamer will use fuel
++ Mech run faster than people
++ Mech Jets are better
++ Mech Armor ranges from 1-1500
++ Mech Fuel ranges from 0-5000
++ Mech Ammo ranges from 0-500

++ Digger will use ammo
(Need to link the new stats to the code)
** Each ore you collect adds: **
*** Dirt gives: 10 ammo and 10 Fuel
*** Tin gives: 50 Fuel ***
*** Gold gives: 250 Fuel ***
*** Diamond gives: 500 Fuel ***
*This is temporarily until I have a crafting system

++Slowed peoples jetpacks
++Slowed peoples runs speed

++Updated Help

// Todo List
++ Getting hit will deduct armor, not HP
++ Mechinegun will use ammo

- Mechs still stay
- Jump is broken

- Baddies still bugged
- You can smash down water
- Sun and moon needs a little bit of an offset
- Underwater breath is still broken
--If you run out of air you slowly loose health, not armor
- More optimizeation
- Mechs need particles for boosting

*Game overlay and menu system
*Placeable Lights!
*Mech upgrades!
*Baddie levels
*Baddie stats!
*Baddies hit you for a random number and you can miss
(-10 - 0 = miss) (BaseDMG * BaddieLVL * RNGfactor)
*When it rains to fill up water
*Working on better ART!
*Builder mechbro that farms and collects and builds for you
*HP Bar not numbers
*Have a use for coal and ore to refuel your mech/repair/upgrade

Not releasing another release unless people really WANT it, or I do a majority of these.
Download v0.0.0.21
(Press V to enter a mech!)

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